Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Amanda Miller

Our client, the OU Yearbook located in the Norman, Oklahoma is having a frustrating time. It's sales are incredible low not to mention the fact that over half of the student body does not even realize that we have a yearbook. The current media relations staff of Sooner Yearbook has tried all types of research to dissect the problem. The staff has research results from surveys, focus groups and current sales all conveying the same results. Students simply do not know and do not care about a college yearbook. 
My campaigns group feels like we have been fighting an uphill battle. Our research tells us that students do not find the yearbook interesting or exciting. The thought of a yearbook being a priceless memento of our college years holds no apply to the student body. Through our research my group has found that the only new approach to test out is to change the content of the Sooner Yearbook. Unfortunately, whenever we even mention suggestion to our client they do become defensive and do not want to discuss the possibility of change. 
So here we are, mid semester, and we are nowhere closer to a helpful solution to our clients' problem. Through our event of distributing a promotional piece during the University of Oklahoma's BigEvent T-shirt pass out we hope to discover new research to help improve our client's current situation of minimal sales and lack of awareness. I am confident that my group will have a successful event and with any hope we will have exciting results to share. 

Graphic from www.nlc.state.ne.us/publications/images/bookawardgsx.gif

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