Saturday, March 8, 2008

Fashion with a cause

Fashions with a Cause

“In 2000, only 34 percent of women knew that their #1 killer is heart disease. Yes, one in three women die of heart disease, eight time more than breast cancer, and misperceptions about the disease abound-including the belief that it’s only a man’s disease” (The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute). The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide created The Heart Truth campaign and its Red Dress symbol. This campaign has changed the women’s health community by reaching their public through the media among other approaches.
In 2003, The Heart Truth Campaign teamed up with Fashion Week to start an event that has become known nationwide. First Lady Laura Bush is the campaigns ambassador this year she opened the show explaining the importance of the cause and the meaning behind the red dress symbol. An article found on PR Week “A Fashion Week message for the masses” by Alexandra Bruell said, “Fashion Week is an important asset for New York City, one that highlights the essence and evolution of style and, in the case of Heart Truth, important causes.
I talk about this campaign because we are in the works of our own, but the reason I chose this campaign is how successful it has become since the launch five years ago. The Heart Truth campaign is not only recognized by fashion week but by products like Coke-Cola, Campbell’s Soup. By using broadcast communications companies have a great way to inspire audiences and to reach a vast majority of people through television or Internet or radio. This campaign about is storytelling and relating to people and they do this by using a brand like Diet Coke or Campbell’s Soup or Laura Bush to communicate the Red Dress symbol. These methods of action for this campaign has worked wonders for helping women realize that heart disease is the #1 killer.

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