Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Public Relations is Not a Dying Profession

It has been rumored, by people like Tom Formeski that traditional PR is, in fact, dying. Critics like Formeski say the increase in online technology like blogs, RSS feeds and podcasts is rendering traditional PR useless.

However, individuals like Steve Simon address this issue and shed new, positive light on this rumor. In fact, Simon openly combats this mentality by claiming there has actually been growth in the PR industry in recent years.

Since there is no denying the fact that these modern technological advances have had an impact on our world, how has their use actually contributed to the growth of public relations? The answer is: several ways.

Online methods of communication have not changed the importance or the necessity of PR messages to reach a specific target audience. They have simply increased the speed by which a PR practitioner can reach the target audience and have also allowed the consumer to select their media preference.

Not only can blogs, RSS feeds and podcasts increase the speed at which a PR practitioner can reach a targeted public, but it actually allows the public to do some public relations work as well. Most of the issues the bloggers discuss actually come from news or articles they have found interesting or meaningful. This can actually generate a buzz that would be difficult for a single PR practitioner to achieve on their own.

In conclusion, the field of public relations is no where near extinction. In fact, it has molded to the new online environment in a productive and efficient manner.

Image from Harvard University RMAS

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