Sunday, March 2, 2008

Non- Profit Public Relations

Non- Profit Public Relations
Amanda Pardee

Some of the largest and most well- known public relations efforts, that are not profit related, are the efforts focused on causes. These non- profit organizations have grown in number and size over the last twenty years and utilize the same techniques and principles of sound public relations firms across the world. From the nationally known Susan G. Komen run to Lance Armstrong's yellow Livestrong arm bands, public relations is all around and increasing awareness of several causes that deserve much recognition. 
This field of public relations has expanded greatly not only in size, but also in competitiveness. The competition for support, volunteerism and donations requires much media involvement and creativeness. It has been seen at several benefits and other events that celebrities and other entertainment figures attend which in itself increases public relations efforts. There is actually an organization that is committed to increasing celebrities participation and support for various non-profit organizations. The basic techniques used by public relations practitioners such as publications, events, etc., increase awareness for these causes, but there have actually been some steps made to create specific non-profit techniques to increase desired results. The non-profit PR team of 2007 was Mission Children's Hospital who took on their challenge and reached an outstanding donation amount of $11,016,000.
Non- profit public relations is an opportunity for practitioners to establish prestige due to the benefits these efforts in the end provide. Non- profit efforts might not provide the tangible results sometimes desired in public relations campaigns, but they provide measurable increases in contributions to something beyond that. Having success in these efforts not only causes a boost in public relations, but a sense of satisfaction for helping a cause that is truly worthwhile.

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