Sunday, March 9, 2008

Norman Organization to Implement Name Change

Norman Organization to Implement Name Change
By Sally Swafford
What’s the name again? What does it mean? Is it a cow? Isn’t that some sort of dairy product? These questions, along with many others are asked when the name “ILSY” comes to mind. Independent Living Services for Youth is far from being a dairy manufacturer.

ILSY serves as one of the few organizations that houses high school students. Many have lost their homes due to different circumstances, whether it is abuse or simply turning into a legal adult and being kicked out of the house by their parents. About half of the 200 students involved in the organization have the opportunity to live in the apartments, which are owned by ILSY. The other students are given the assistance of finding homes and managing their finances. Through ILSY, many students can find a positive influence or mentor, which may be lacking in their lives.

The story of ILSY begins in the early 1990s with a few high school counselors. Noticing many students could not attend school without a parent signature, the issue of homeless high school students was brought to their attention. These counselors, and many other passionate volunteers helped get the OU School of Social Work helping with this case.
Though this organization may be striving in many ways, it is certainly lacking in one major area: its name. Many people when hearing its acronym don’t immediately know what the organization does. The name isn’t catchy and is often confused with the Department of Human Services, which is government funded. ILSY, on the other hand gains its funding from the United Way of Norman and other independent donors such as churches and families.

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