Saturday, March 15, 2008

Teenage Independence

Teenage Independence
By Sheila Frazier
Whether you are aware of it or not, there are many independent and homeless teenagers in this country. Norman, Oklahoma, is one such place. But unlike other places, Norman has decided to do something about it.
Bridges, former known as Independent Living Services for Youth (ILSY), is the only regional organization to assist independent teenagers in high school.
Any high school student in the Norman area (attending Norman High School or Norman North High School) that has had some kind of crisis and is forced to live on their own can benefit from the program. Bridges houses students and assists students that live on their own elsewhere.
This is no cake walk, however. The students in the program are required to pay rent and utilities, along with keeping their grades up and staying out of trouble. Bridges works to give students a second chance to succeed in education. Bridges also assists students after high school, by helping them find jobs or attend college. Career coaching and other incentives are offered as well. Bridges strives to maintain secrecy of all students in the program for the students' protection.
Bridges has just recently undergone a name change. Right now the organization is working to promote its new name to the public. An event will be hosted in April to launch the new name to the media and the public.

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