Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Job of My Dreams

When I was a little girl, my parents always told me that “when you grow up, you can be whatever you want to be.” Although this is true in our country, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to eventually get the job you have always dreamed of. As I am nearing the end of college, I am now faced with the reality of finally deciding exactly what I want to do. With a degree in Public Relations, I feel like there are so many opportunities for me in the real world. There are many different types of PR to choose from and many other jobs that are related to the field of PR.

There are actually two different types of public relations that I am considering: sports PR and PR in non-profit organizations. These two fields of public relations are very different from one another, but they are the most interesting to me.

I have always dreamed of working for a sports agency because I grew up in a family that loves sports. I actually held a job here at OU my freshman and sophomore year at Sooner Sports Properties. I got to help with some game-day operations and work in the suites at the football games. Sports have always been something I have loved, especially all OU sports, so my ultimate goal would be to hold a job in the sports department at OU.

The other public relations job I am interested in is non-profit organizations. I would love to give back to a non-profit agency such as the United Way or Habitat for Humanity. Going to a job every day where I feel like I am making a difference in the world would be an amazing feeling. I know the money for non-profit is not that great, but that is not important to me if I am fulfilled with what I am doing.

Hopefully in a couple of months when I am looking for jobs, I will stumble upon a great job in either a sports agency or a non-profit organization. Right now, either one of those would be the job of my dreams.

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