Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My Dream Job

My Dream Job

Leah Parker

My dream job has always been to be a dolphin trainer some where on the beach or to work with dolphins close to the beach. Looking back, I think about how that sounds just like a childhood silly job about what I want to be when I grow up. But till this day, I still want to do that. Dolphins are my favorite animal and always have been. They are beautiful animals to watch in the ocean. They also have a sense of humor and you can play with them. Everyday going to work would be so fun getting to train, play and swim with dolphins. Whether it is at Sea World or a beach resort, I would be happy working with dolphins. I went to San Diego’s Sea World when I was about 15 and saw the dolphin show and knew that was what I wanted to do.

Now you are probably wandering why I have not pursued this dream job. One, there are no marine biology majors offered around Oklahoma. I was not able to afford out-of-state college so I had to choose something offered here in Oklahoma. Now thinking about it, loans would not have been a bad idea to do something that I really wanted to do. Maybe one day I will at least get to swim with the dolphins and get a little taste of what my dream job would be like.

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