Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What does the future hold?

What does the future hold?
Katie Puckett  

Well, I wish I knew the answer to this question, especially since I will be graduating from college in two and a half weeks. It's something I've been asking myself since for quite a while. When I was a freshman at OU, graduating seemed so far away, like it would never come, now four years later, here I am.  

What I really always dreamed of was writing for a magazine in Manhattan, just like you see in the movies. I even went over spring break to visit Time Inc. where I know someone in the pr department. It wasn't my first time in NYC, but it was the first time I went thinking I could actually live there. After a week of walking around in the rain, wearing a wool coat and a scarf nearing the end of March and paying $30 for brunch, I began to think seriously about things.  

Being from Oklahoma City, I always thought I would move away from here. As I have grown up, matured and figured a few things out, I've realized this place isn't so bad. I always thought I was the kind of person that could just pack their stuff and leave, but now I really can't think of what it would be like to move away from home. I have grown to appreciate Oklahoma and everything it has to offer.  

Who knows what the future holds. If I was living the ideal life, I'd already have a PR job by now. I'm nearing the end and it's scary, but I know wherever life takes me, it will be for the best!

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