Friday, April 25, 2008

My PR Dream Job

My PR Dream Job

Traci Reiserer

Where has the time gone? Just yesterday I felt like I was getting advised as a freshman, and now in two weeks, I will be graduating and pursuing a career in PR.

Since Oklahoma does not have any major sports teams (not yet, at least), when I graduate in May I will move back to Dallas and start searching for a PR job. Although I have been looking on OU Career Services and job sites like, I just haven’t seemed to find the right fit in what I want to do with my life.

I have always been a sports fanatic for all of the Dallas teams, but the Dallas Cowboys will always be a personal favorite of mine. It would be my absolute dream job to work in PR for the Cowboys. I know that a lot of people aspire to be in PR for a major sports team, and I know the competition will be tough.

I would even start out as an intern, if it meant possible full-time placement with the Dallas Cowboys. With a few family friends I know of in the business, I am hoping that working for the Cowboys is a strong possibility.

It is not always easy to get your “dream job” as a recent college graduate, but I feel like with what I have learned here at OU and through my internship experiences that I am ready for the real world and all that comes with it. If I don’t land my first “dream job” with the Dallas Cowboys, I will not give up, and I will know that something will come my way and things will fall into place.

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