By Brittany Atwood
Graduating from college is a big step in a person’s life. It is a huge milestone that is exciting and nerve-wrecking at the same time. The state of the economy correlates to how stressful this time can be. Unfortunately, today the economy is suffering from a recession which makes it hard on recent graduates to find a job. With the job market taking a downturn it is not an ideal time to start a job search. However, it is possible. Roberta Chinsky Matuson president of Northampton Human Resource Solutions said successful job seekers in a recession know to dig deep to find a job during tough times.
I know for me I am becoming very frustrated in my job search. Every time I feel like I’m getting closer to finding that job, I hear back that a company isn’t hiring. It just feels like everyone is looking for a job at the same time. Not only are there recent graduates looking but also those who were in the workforce but got laid off.
One tip to landing a job is to network. Networking is a skill that recent college graduates have because they know about the different networking sites. Also, they have connections to professors and fellow classmates. An article in CIO, said in order to be successful in a job search you have to start with finding the right company first. I never really thought of this but it makes sense. If someone is really dedicated to working for a company, then they will make it happen. The unemployment rate has reached an astounding proportion. According to government data, the national unemployment rate has reached a 25-year high at 8.1%.
After reading all of these articles, I am even more nervous about finding a job. I do not really know what else to do but just wait. Unfortunately, I am very impatient so waiting to hear word about my future is stressing me out. For me, it is even harder trying to find a job because I do not know in what city I want to focus my job search.
Your post probably strikes a cord with a lot of people. Finding a job is frightening enough, but doing so in such a horrible economy seems nearly impossible. What you have to remember is that you might not have the perfect job right after graduation, but in time everything will come together.
I agree with both of you. I myself am terrified of stepping out into the real world. However, the saying "The squeaky wheel always gets the grease" really is true. If you want a job bad enough, don't be afraid to go after it. Make sure to stand out from all the faceless resumes. It's daunting, but rewarding!
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