Saturday, March 28, 2009

Guerilla Public Relations and Marketing Tactics

Guerilla Public Relations and Marketing Tactics

By Erin Chancellor

Guerilla marketing is a marketing tactic that focuses on unconventional ideas of advertising. One campaign in particular that stands out to me is the anti-smoking “The Truth” campaign. This campaign focuses on unique ways to raise awareness about the dangers of smoking. Commercials for the campaign have been known to feature disturbing images like piles of body bags, alongside facts about smoking. This campaign as well as others like it have been designed to shock the viewer and cause a reaction.
Some of these marketing techniques may be seen as controversial because of the element of surprise and shock that coincides with many of the campaigns. Guerilla marketing and public relations tactics have been debated in the public relations world, as it’s effects and necessity are questioned. In Boston recently, a guerilla marketing tactic went wrong when cardboard cut-outs promoting an Adult Swim show were mistaken for a potential threat. These cut outs, which featured boxes and lights, were placed in subway stations across the city. When civilians spotted these cut-outs they were confused, and many called the authorities, causing widespread panic. The idea of guerilla public relations has been a topic recently on public relations and advertising web sites such as, and

Personally I feel that guerilla marketing is a good public relations tactic. In the very least it usually brings awareness for your particular subject. This tactic, however must be used sparingly in order or it to be affective. It also must be used wisely so that circumstances such as those like the Adult Swim mishap do not occur in the future.

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