Thursday, October 22, 2009

“Fresh. New. Professional.”

“Fresh. New. Professional.”

By Kacie James

Emily Shipley graduated from the University of Oklahoma in May 2009, earning a bachelors in journalism and mass communications and a minor in political science. She recently found a job as the finance and fundraising coordinator at Sagac Public Affairs. Previously, she worked for Senator Tom Coburn in Washington, DC, the Norman Chamber of Commerce and for Capitol Gains lobbying firm in Oklahoma City.

Although Emily has a prestigious background, she explains her experience finding a job as “BRUTAL.” She claims she was looking for a job for almost three months. Through this process she realized how important it is to practice interviewing and to not only know and realize your strengths, but to be confident in them. She says “Finding a job isn't easy, and sometimes taking an interview for a job you don't necessarily want is okay. Practicing the interview is important. Always read the job description and think about how it can challenge you, how you can better the company and also how the job will help you with your future.”

Emily believes writing skills are essential. She also expressed that understanding how to edit properly using AP style and general grammar are vital. She admitted that even though research can be time consuming, it truly is the basis of any project or campaign. Her advice to the upcoming graduating students is to utilize your professors while still in school. She says, “They are the professionals you will seek out for advice in the future. Since public relations can be very broad, try to choose any area or subject you care about and figure out how public relations is related to that area. Then you will find your nitch and find a job. Good Luck.”

1 comment:

Mikaela said...

Good to read about a recent OU graduate :)