Sunday, October 18, 2009

Public Relations at Nextep

Public Relations at Nextep

By Melissa Chasteen

Breanna Honeycutt is the Manager of Public Relations at Nextep, a premier Professional Employer Services firm that provides services for small to mid-sized companies, including payroll administration, benefits administration, HR consulting and risk management. This is her first job in the public relations field and she has been working for the company for four years. While some may dislike their job, Breanna feels “blessed” to have hers.

“I believe that we help small businesses succeed in Oklahoma,” said Breanna. “Being able to represent and promote that idea is easy for me because I believe in it.”

Breanna graduated in 2002 from the University of Oklahoma with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism with an emphasis in advertising and a minor in Spanish. While most people think having an internship should be a top priority, Breanna believes that all of her jobs helped her become the employee she is today.

“I had several jobs in college and one internship my senior year as the project coordinator at a company called Project Under 21,” said Breanna. “Although it is crucial that you have an internship, I gained amazing skills and knowledge at all of my other jobs as well. Whether you’re interning at a major corporation or serving food at a restaurant, all forms of working provide knowledge that you’ll find valuable once you graduate college.”

Breanna’s job consists of various tasks, each one just as important as the other.

“On any given day you can find me working on our website, attending Chamber/business events, fielding cold calls in to the office and working with our marketing and sales people to generate leads,” said Breanna. “I rarely make one duty more important than another; I give 110% to all aspects of my job.”

When asked what the major challenges to her job were, Breanna was quick to respond.

“With the changes in the economy over the last year there have been some added challenges to my job,” she said. “Smaller companies especially are more inclined to do the services themselves.”

In terms of advice, Breanna was very “passionate” in her response.

“Find a career/product you are passionate about. Passion—true passion—is what separates the mediocre from the outstanding, and people feed off your passion. Everyone wants to be part of something, so while people may not always like what you represent, they will admire your passion,” said Breanna.

Photo provided by


Dr. C said...

Nextep is a very interesting company. I heard a presentation by the president and founder and found it impressive. Breanna represents the company and professional well.

Mikaela said...

Inspiring to read about people who loves their job. Gives me hope!