Friday, October 23, 2009

"If you don't tell your story, someone else will"

By:Alison Lambert
Brad Lambert, Senior Associate at Harris, DeVille & Associates, Inc., specializes in issues management and strategic communications planning. He is one of the media and communications trainers, having conducted more than 20 media training sessions for clients across the U.S. in 2007 alone. Further responsibilities include media and governmental relations, public opinion analysis, media and crisis communications training and litigation public relations. He does considerable writing about politics public issues, with expertise in environmental justice.
Brad is a 1991 cum laude graduate of Louisiana State University with a B.A. in Journalism, and in 1997, he earned a Master’s of Public Administration degree, also from LSU. He has also served as an adjunct instructor at LSU’s Manship School of Mass Communication. Before joining HDA in 1992, Brad wrote about sports for Baton Rouge’s only daily newspaper, The Advocate. A normal day in the office for Brad involves reviewing news sites, blogs, and checking my Google News alerts to see if any clients are “in the news.” In giving graduating college advice, Brad says “learn how to write well and develop good personal and communications skills. Be flexible and open to opportunities. His perspective on getting a job in the real world today with the current economy is going to be difficult. “The struggles of major media companies and resulting layoffs complicate the situation for new graduates of communications programs,” said Lambert. In order to take on the public relations world, Brad suggests making several contacts in college. Also, try to get as much work experience that you can get, even if that means taking unpaid positions and/or internships. Learning how to write well and being informed of current events is something that companies always look for. Learning as much as you can about social media never hurts because some practitioners do not understand how to utilize the web sites and it will make you look valuable. Brad ended the interview with one of this favorite quotes he uses when training media clients.
"No matter how many outlets are out there, one of the basic principles of PR still applies: If you don't tell your story, someone else will."
Chris Ender, Senior VP of Communications, CBS

1 comment:

Mikaela said...

I think I've heard "if you don't tell your story, someone else will" in close to all of my public relations classes.