Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Photo provided by the Engage Network.

By: Cassie Little

In 2007 the Engage Network, which includes programs like “What’s Your Tree” and “Green for All,” partnered with some of yoga’s biggest names to create “Off the Mat, Into the World.” “Off the mat” is an organization that strives to bring social awareness to yoga practitioners and create grassroots movements within communities and abroad. Because the meaning of the word yoga is “union,” yoga classes are a great place to integrate a message for union between human beings and social change in society.

Currently, “Off the Mat” is engaged in the “Global Seva Challenge, this is a project that encourages the yoga community around the world to make donations and give time to communities in crisis. Through grassroots fundraising and community service, "Off the Mat" raised $524,000 for community work in Cambodia in 2008, $577,000 for work in Uganda in 2009, and is currently working to raise money for communities in South Africa.

Not only is "Off the Mat" doing great things abroad, it is an organization that strives to encourage people to do what they can wherever they are, in their own communities. By becoming more socially aware and conscious, yoga practitioners around the world are making a difference through fundraising and volunteerism. Seane Corn, one of the founding members of “Off the Mat,” expressed that she believes service is one of the most incredible things a person can do because just as much as service helps others in need, it brings purpose and self awareness to the volunteer.

For more information, visit www.offthematintotheworld.org.

1 comment:

Mikaela said...

I have never heard of this campaign before, so big thank you for sharing. I really like the idea of the campaign.