Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oprah's No Phone Zone

Take the No Phone Zone Pledge Today!
By: Katie Graham
Photo: By Harpo Studios

Sixteen people will die today…and tomorrow…and the next due to texting and driving. Real statistics like these have made the “No Phone Zone” a growing campaign. Six thousand deaths can be prevented with this campaign, as well as 500,000 collisions per year. Oprah Winfrey is a successful public relation’s campaigner, and with her help and popularity, this campaign has become a pledge in saving lives. Twenty four states and D.C. have banned all cell phones while 8 states have prohibited all drivers from using handheld phones. This campaign provides information such as personal stories from real people who have experienced a fatal tragedy concerning the use of cell phones, while allowing viewers to sign a petition that states they will not text and drive. More and more people have signed this petition and it has become a special feature on the Oprah Winfrey show. Stars such as Justin Bieber and Julia Roberts have signed the petition, using the use of celebrities to popularize and help make this campaign succeed in awareness. Oprah will not stop until everyone knows the dangers of texting and driving.

VIDEO: "A Mother's Message About Driving and Cell Phones"

When you check out the Web site, you have access to partnering with the no phone zone, making an official commitment to never text and drive and watching personal stories with videos from families who have lost a loved one from the distractions of cell phones. In the end, you have the choice of taking the no Phone Zone Pledge:

“I pledge to make my car a No Phone Zone. Beginning right now, I will do my part to help put an end to distracted driving by committing to drive as responsibly as I can.” (

With this, you can choose one:

“I will not text while I am driving.”

“I will not text while driving and will use only handsfree calling if I need to speak on the phone while I am driving.”

“I will not text or use my phone while I am driving. If I need to use my phone, I will pull over to a secure location.”

Right now, there are 403,237 pledged to keep our roads safe. Overall, this campaign provides a personal touch to the saying “don’t text and drive.” By exposing people to the real life dangers of the pain this has on the families and drivers, more people are thinking twice before picking up their cell phone.

1 comment:

Mikaela said...

I wish everyone would be smart enough not to text and drive. As a bicyclist, I would feel a whole lot safer.