Thursday, October 4, 2007


At some point in our lives we have wanted things and know that we don’t need them. Whether it is something materialistic or not, we have all done this. For me, I know that I have way too many clothes and a lot of them still have the tags on them, but yet I still go shopping. I know that I have dedicated way too much time worrying over things that don’t matter, but yet I still find myself stressed over drama. So why is it that I always want more, and never less?

After a recent visit to The Center for Children and Families Inc., I realized how important it is to want less, so I can give more. Whether this would mean with time or donations, I can help in a significant way. This morning, we met with the CCFI team of experts who educated us on what CCFI does for the community and the families who attend on a regular basis. Honestly, I thought I would leave feeling the same way I did as I had when I first walked in through the doors. I couldn’t have been more wrong. During the tour, we were brought into the different rooms of the facility. Instead of just boring us with the minuet details, the CCFI staff decided to share with us true stories of some of their current patients. They were such heart wrenching stories that you couldn’t help but step back a moment and wonder what that would be like to have been in their position. I couldn’t even imagine.

I learned today that it is not about what you want, but what you can give.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right. I just found a sweater this fall with the tags on that I remember buying last winter. But I do make it a point to clean out my closet ever so often and donate that bags to Godwill.