Thursday, October 4, 2007

"Don't Be Trashy, Keep Norman Classy"

Don’t Be Trashy, Keep Norman Classy
By: Kelsey Martin

Littering is an apparent problem all over the United States as citizens finish that last slip from their big gulp cup and then chunk it out the window littering Mother Earth. It was presented to my group the Women on a Mission to help conquer this problem in the City of Norman. Our goal for this campaign is to raise awareness about litter to Norman homeowners, business owners, and students, and gain support from these publics for an anti-litter movement in the city.

We first met with the Mayor of Norman, Cindy Rosenthal, who was very helpful in narrowing down our goal and publics and providing vital information about current issues being addressed about littering and what has been done in the past. Littering has been an ongoing issue in Norman and no consistent action has been taken, therefore Norman homeowners, business owners, and students have been unaware and unhelpful in combating the problem. We hope to target these three publics in hopes of creating a cleaner Norman.

Two ideas arose to target these publics including a public art project similar to the Spirit of the Buffalo contest that took place in Oklahoma City in 2004, in which business owners would purchase a trashcan and have the opportunity to decorate it and advertise their business and then during a main event these would be unveiled and distributed around the city. This would create more available trashcans in the community with no cost to the City of Norman and encourage business involvement.

Another idea targeted students who are moving off campus into new residences and unaware of the city codes and trash day regulations in the city. This is an on-going problem as student residences in Norman are looking rundown and trashy because they are uneducated about how to keep their own home. Our idea was to create a website on the City of Norman homepage that would give tips and information for these new homeowners. If possible the website would be listed in their monthly bill to spread the new website.

As our campaign progresses, we are acquiring research from past anti-litter campaigns, including the statewide Keep Oklahoma Beautiful whose mission is “to encourage, promote and assist individual and group efforts in the areas of beautification, enhancement and preservation of Oklahoma's environment”. We also distributed surveys to our three publics and received very good results to help us to better understand the perception of Norman’s litter problem which will help us in the further execution of our campaign!

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