Thursday, October 4, 2007

Keeping Norman Beautiful

Over the years, the litter problem in the City of Norman has become a constant problem. While littering seems to be a problem in most areas of the United States, Oklahoma seems to have a more obvious problem, in my opinion.

The Oklahoma City Metro has established a non-profit organization called OKC Beautiful. This organization aims at improving the image and appearance of the OKC metro through programs such as beautification, education, litter abatement, landscapes, and others.

Most people don’t seem to realize the problem in the OKC metro until they actually take the time to look around. In 2005, Skyline Media Group helped launch LitterBlitz with OKC Beautiful. This campaign worked to reduce the litter problem and enhance community awareness of the problem. Skyline’s Director of Account Services said he didn’t realize how bad the problem was until he went out and picked up a garbage bag full of trash in a mere 30 minutes.

OKC Beautiful has recognized the effects appearance can have on a city. The image of a city can affect the quality of life within the city and the self-image of its residents. Image and appearance can also directly impact a city’s economic viability.

New projects have sprung up all over the metro in attempts to grow economically. There is the construction of the shopping center in north Norman, the new theater in Moore, and the various projects in Oklahoma City, such as the MAPS projects. These attempts to increase the economic standing of cities in the metro must move along with an attempt at beautifying the area, which is what OKC Beautiful is aiming at.

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