Saturday, November 10, 2007

34 Days and Counting

34 days until graduation. I've been keeping a count down since day 85. My idea of a dream job has changed considerably since I began my college career. I originally chose public relations as my major because it didn't require much math or science.

I've since come to realize that this is a field I truly enjoy. I can't imagine a field that would better encase my strengths and confidences such as my creativity. My dream job would be a large scale event planning with a corporation in Dallas. I enjoy interacting with people on a daily basis and like the idea of having a reason to leave an office on occasion.

However, through out my education here at OU I've come to appreciate aspects of public relations I had never thought about before. I enjoy the research and thought that goes into a campaign and I appreciate the ability to showcase my writing skills that I have spent years honing.

While ideally I would be doing some sort of event planning, with 34 days to go I am just aiming for a pay check. I will just have to see what day 33 brings.

1 comment:

Charlie Scheihing said...

Big D. Its one of the best places to make money in the country right now. Im heading down there to get a job myself. Event planning in Dallas sounds like an awesome job. If there are a lot of openings please let me know. haha. Good luck and all the best.
-William Scheihing