By Rachel Forsyth
Whenever I think of industries that must always have savvy public relations departments, I always think of the airline and tourism industries. Throughout the years, these industries have faced many challenges including 9/11 fears of flying, new necessary paperwork and paying for baggage. In all of these areas, there is a continuously evolving need for public relations to keep their customers and employees aware, safe and happy.
The fear of flying after September 11th, 2001 was a major test on the airline industries and tourism public relations departments. With American’s given images and a million reasons not to fly, how do they instill faith back into their patrons? According to PRWeek, the answer is Patriotism. Patriotism became and still is a major tactic for public relations departments when instilling faith to fly and travel.
The United States Department of Homeland Security’s custom and border protection launched a public relations campaign last fall surrounding new required travel documents. According to Travel Pulse, this Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative goes into effect June 1, 2009. This initiative provides the Custom and Border Protection the opportunity to put their best public relations foot forward in the launch of a new website, media advertisements, public service announcements and many other tactics in their outreach campaign.
Public relations departments have also faced new challenges as the airlines have increased ticket prices and checked baggage fees. According to the Providence Journal, Southwest Airlines provides the best rates by only charging for the third checked bag. American Airlines, United Airlines and US Airways charge for the first bag. There is definitely a double edge sword in the airline industry: increasing profit or make the customer happy?
The fear of flying after September 11th, 2001 was a major test on the airline industries and tourism public relations departments. With American’s given images and a million reasons not to fly, how do they instill faith back into their patrons? According to PRWeek, the answer is Patriotism. Patriotism became and still is a major tactic for public relations departments when instilling faith to fly and travel.
The United States Department of Homeland Security’s custom and border protection launched a public relations campaign last fall surrounding new required travel documents. According to Travel Pulse, this Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative goes into effect June 1, 2009. This initiative provides the Custom and Border Protection the opportunity to put their best public relations foot forward in the launch of a new website, media advertisements, public service announcements and many other tactics in their outreach campaign.
Public relations departments have also faced new challenges as the airlines have increased ticket prices and checked baggage fees. According to the Providence Journal, Southwest Airlines provides the best rates by only charging for the third checked bag. American Airlines, United Airlines and US Airways charge for the first bag. There is definitely a double edge sword in the airline industry: increasing profit or make the customer happy?
I personally find these industries to be extremely fascinating. Airline travel and tourism is an imporant part of our economy, which is definitely a contemporary public relations issue.
I agree with you Rachel in the fact that the airline industry as done an excellent job of overcoming every obsticle in the form of crisis P.R. management. As for paying to check bags, I think it sucks, but I also understand that due to economic stress of many airlines that they need to throw in as many fees as possible. It hasn't gotten to the point that I am so fed up with all of these fees that I won't fly anymore, but I wouldn't be suprised if that was the case for some people.
I haven't thought much about public relations and the airline industry but after thinking about it, they sure do seem to have a lot to overcome! People are ALWAYS frustrated with airlines and public relations practioners probably have to come up with some creative ways to better the airline reputations. Interesting thoughts, Rachel!
Although there is no way to predict absolutely everything in airlines, I think now airlines are responding amazingly well to crises. Although checked baggage fees are a hassle, they're trying to stay afloat in a business that is bleeding money all the time. But who wants to take a train? Or drive cross country? No one. We will still continue to take planes, baggage fees and all.
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