Friday, April 3, 2009

Producing Successful Presentations

By Stacey Haire

Presentations are a major part of a PR practitioners job. As students of this profession, we too get to experience presenting in front of the class. I thought it would be beneficial to everyone to research what makes an excellent presentation and provide a few tips from the experts who have been in the industry for many years.

An article published on by Wendy Russell gives nine presentation tips for students. Her top nine tips are: know your topic, use key phrases about your topic, avoid using too much text on the slide, limit the number of slides, layout of slides is important, avoid fancy fonts, use contrasting colors for text and background, try a design template to keep the look constant and use animations and transitions sparingly. The tips underlined here are for those using programs like Microsoft PowerPoint. These tips are helpful because they create a simple presentation for everyone to understand clearly. When the presentation is easy to understand then it will give you more confidence during presentation time.

With the progress of technology there is also a progression in the world of presentations. PR Fuel, a news release forum for public relations, recently published an article about how to conduct online presentations. The most important techniques necessary to conduct a successful online presentation are to be more vocal and have more animation in your voice because often times they will not be able to see you. Another tip for this type of presentation is to think smaller is better. Create slides containing one idea per slide this makes it easier to present and makes it easier for the audience to follow.

Presentations can create many opportunities for you and the clients you work for, but if they have mistakes then you and your client can miss out on big business prospects. Like every thing else in life the more practice you have the easier it will get.

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