PR is all around us. The efforts of people and organizations to get there messages across permeate our lives. This was especially evident at the free premiere of Observe and Report in Meacham on Friday night co-sponsored by CAC and UPB. There were free movie posters and mini giveaways everywhere, and surveys aplenty for those who were willing to participate.
The best part of the waiting game (it took an hour to get into the theater) was getting to see some of our peers in action. One of the Big Brothers Big Sisters groups was on hand to pass out fliers and then to sp
eak to the audience briefly about the volunteer drive.
This group did a great job- their efforts were strategic, and will probably pay off for them. Their target is male volunteers, and they certainly had that audience at this premiere, where the audience was likely 80% male. Not only were they able to provide everyone with fliers, they also were able to make an announcement before the movie and speak directly to a theater full of people.
I just wanted to commend them on a great job, and it was nice to see a campaign in action. Best of luck to them, and all of the other groups as we go out into the "real world" and pitch our messages to the public.
On a side note, I don't recommend Observe and Report unless you can see it for free. That's my own little world-of-mouth PR.
The best part of the waiting game (it took an hour to get into the theater) was getting to see some of our peers in action. One of the Big Brothers Big Sisters groups was on hand to pass out fliers and then to sp

This group did a great job- their efforts were strategic, and will probably pay off for them. Their target is male volunteers, and they certainly had that audience at this premiere, where the audience was likely 80% male. Not only were they able to provide everyone with fliers, they also were able to make an announcement before the movie and speak directly to a theater full of people.
I just wanted to commend them on a great job, and it was nice to see a campaign in action. Best of luck to them, and all of the other groups as we go out into the "real world" and pitch our messages to the public.
On a side note, I don't recommend Observe and Report unless you can see it for free. That's my own little world-of-mouth PR.
As a member of that group, I really appreciate the high praise for our campaign efforts. We think that it will help our campaign out and truly help benefit our organization. We were pleased that there was such a high male turnout, and we think that our presentation ended up being a success.
That must of been really neat to see what other groups in the class are doing for their campaign since we do not interact very much. That was a really good idea to target young men at the premier of Observe and Report.
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