Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Following Your Dreams...Or Are You Really?

Following Your Dreams...Or Are You Really?
By: Amanda Pardee

     When I think of the phrase "dream job," several different images flash through my mind. Of course I, as most people do, dream of the expensive cars and mansions, but do those desires really bring you the happiness of life?

     As graduation approaches, and the "what are you doing after you graduate?" questions get more frequent, I continue to weigh the pros and cons on what exactly I want to achieve and do with my degree in public relations. Although I am very indecisive, I think the true definition of my dream job is to work in the non-profit field of public relations. I know that this area is stereotypically viewed as low paying and hard to move up in, but in the end I do not think this will matter me. The more I debate over the issue, I am reassured that the way I was raised and the morals I hold are drawing me more and more into the realm of non-profit PR.

     Growing up I was constantly around mentally challenged individuals because both of my parents chose careers in this area. My dad worked for United Cerebral Palsy much of my early years, and my mom is still an educator for the Special Ed. Being surrounded by this, I found a love and passion for these individuals and overall I think I want to give them all the attention they deserve. Saying so, I would love to work with Special Olympics of Texas or a hospital to boost their public relations departments. I plan to move back to the Dallas/ Ft. Worth area and I know that both of these jobs could be fulfilled there. Working with an organization like either of these two would provide me with a sense of personal satisfaction knowing that what I doing is in turn helping others.

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