Sunday, April 6, 2008

My Dream Job by Morgan Byram

My Dream Job
Morgan Byram 
"Follow your dreams," is one of the most simple, but meaningful statements my parents could have said to me at a young age. I have always had a love for the fashion industry, and as a child I read articles in all of the top fashion magazines. I use to sit and research different designers and brands to stay on top of the industries' news. Being from Norman, Oklahoma can make it difficult to obtain my dream career of choice in the fashion. There are select few fashion corporations or businesses based out of Oklahoma. 
As I was finishing high school I realized just how difficult it could be to choose a major directly after graduating high school. High school can bring confusion when you are being thrown in multiple directions choosing classes and activities to be involved in as well as being told various things about college. After getting a degree in public relations and fashion merchandising, hopefully my dream job can be obtained. I have always wanted to do a combination of my two degree choices, but did not know if it was an actual job in the field of public relations. 
Living in New York City for a year and completing an internship with a fashion public relations agency, the HL Group, hopefully can put me closer to following my dreams. The internship taught me the importance of creating an identity for a brand. I learned the importance of getting your brand placed in the media and in various publications. The publication your product or service is placed in also needs to be geared towards your target audience/publics. As for the fashion industry, publicity is what can make or break your product into a high fashion item. Having a specific clothing item placed or worn by a celebrity in a fashion forward magazine can result in high sales and become a great public relations tool. Knowing how to incorporate public relations into your fashion business or another business you are doing public relations for can  create a successful end result. 
I dream to someday own my own fashion public relations firm and do work for top clothing designers. I want to live in New York City and be in charge of holding awareness events and placement photo shoots. I dream to be in direct contact with the designers and the continuing success of their business. 
KMR Communications:
The Fashion Rag:

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