Monday, April 7, 2008

The Jungle: Looking for my first REAL job!

The Jungle: Looking for my first REAL job!

by: Dana Brantley

As future public relations practitioners, we hold the balance scales of journalism and business. In fact, the ability to be in the corporate realm while utilizing my journalism skills has inspired me to major in public relations.

My dream job is in corporate communications. According to, one of the differences between agency work and corporate communications is that the latter typically works on improving or maintaining the organizations brand, while the former works for several different organizations. It has been my desire to work for a set company in their communications department.

Of course, a career in corporate communications requires some prerequisites. According to Ben Silverman in his article, PR Fuel: What It Takes to Be a PR Person , a career in public relations entails both professional and personal skills. We all know that the ideal candidate will possess a Bachelor’s degree but what are some skills that will set you apart from the pack? Silverman suggests that you should have strong oral and written skills, possess research skills, seize the opportunity to think outside the box while being ethical; just to name a few.

Of course, I do not want to remain entry level for the entirety of my career, so when looking at a potential organization, I research current staff demographics. Being that I am an African-American woman, I look for a company that embraces diversity. Since our capstone is made up of women, diversity should be important to us all.

According to, John Gabarro, UPS Foundation professor of Human Resource Management, Emeritus, at Harvard Business School and David Thomas, the H. Naylor Fitzhugh professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, minorities should get a mentor in their desired field, appreciate a slower track process and ensure before employment that the company embraces diversity. The slower process can ensure long-term success.

So, what makes me continue to strive for a career in public relations, besides my passion for communications? According to the US Department of Labor, the amount of employment is rising above average, however, that same article projected that there will be a rise in competition among entry level positions.

So, set yourself apart. Let the company know that they will continue to reach success if you are an integral part of their company. According to D.A. Hayden and Michael Wilder, founding partners of Hayden-Wilder, a one-on-one counseling firm specializing in preparing recent college graduates for the real world job market, suggest that college graduates should set themselves apart by doing the following: 1.) Read publication pieces about the organization. 2.) Define the public’s opinion about the organization. 3.) Make sure that you are showing initiative!

Best of luck job hunting. I am sure that we are the cream of the crop!

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