Tuesday, March 31, 2009

SC Johnson Goes Green

By Callie Cady

One organization who seems to have a grasp on public concerns lately is SC Johnson.

SC Johnson is a family company that owns Pledge, Pliz and Pronto furniture cleaners, Mr. Muscle, Fantastik and Scrubbing Bubbles bathroom cleaners, Glade, Gleid and Brise fragrances, Raid and OFF! insect repellants, Windex and Ziploc.

This company has created a “Greenlist” as an effort to promote sustainability and a going green initiative within the organization. The Greenlist is an excellent public relations campaign because it not only promotes internal success; it shows consumers how the company is trying to positively affect the environment. What better way to do this than to make ways to reduce a company’s carbon footprint?

SC Johnson’s overall goal with packaging their products is to increase the use of raw materials which are environmentally preferred.

Also, as a apart of this Greenlist, SC Johnson is using landfill sequestered methane to power its Windex factory in Michigan. Trash from the local dumps is used to decompose and turns into methane; which, in turn, is treated and sent to the factory to generate 50% of its power. This increases sustainability and is estimated to pay for itself in less than seven years. This initiative will also reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 52,000 tons per year. That is the equivalent of taking 4,210 cars off of the road!

Obviously with a campaign like this, consumers will be more likely to support this organization if they know they are helping save the environment.


Brian Russell said...

I think SC Johnson does a great job in the movement of "going green." This will help them out in the long and short term efforts for being a leader in their industry. More and more people are becoming more friendly to the environment and consumers will recognize this and will continue to support SC Johnson for the forsiable future.

Rebecca Chambers said...

SC Johnson is doing a lot to go green that I didn't know about before! It's so important to market "green" to SC Johnson's publics, as their smorgasbord of products can have a very negative effect on our environment if not used properly. If they keep it up, SC Johnson will be sure have their green products flying off the shelves.