Thursday, April 2, 2009

PR in the Healthcare Field

by: Kristin Bussell

Since my first introduction to Public Relations, I have always held an interest in the field of Health Communications.

Many hospitals and healthcare related offices, in fact, include a department of communications, marketing or public relations. For example, St. Peter’s Hospital of Helena, Montana has an office specifically for
marketing and public relations. As described on the website, this office is responsible for the hospital’s external and internal communication, patient satisfaction monitoring, advertising, graphics, volunteer services, community education and wellness.

As I continued to research the field of healthcare public relations, I found a Public Relations Firm, known as Allhealth Public Relations, which specializes in health communications. This PR firm is located in Kensington, Maryland so unfortunately I won’t be able to pursue a career with this firm simply because of it’s location. I am certain, however, that there are other PR firms out there that are also focused in on the field of healthcare.

What I saw online about Allhealth that most intrigued me was an insight into some of their campaigns.

Clients include the National Center for Tobacco-Free Kids, American Red Cross,
American Public Health Association and Random House Books.

In conjunction with their extensive campaigns, Allhealth recruits celebrities such as David Hasselhoff and
Paul Shaffer, band leader of "Late Night with David Letterman”, for various, health related campaigns.

Finally, one last element of Allhealth’s Web site that sparked my interest was the list of services they offer. This list includes everything from press kits to TV talk shows, Special Events and Website Design.

Due to the curriculum of the public relations courses I have taken here at OU, I feel that I could contribute in a great way to a PR firm similar to Allhealth, that specializes in health communications. Not only would my educational background afford me success as a PR professional, but my passion for the field of healthcare would allow me a rewarding career in health communications.


Unknown said...

As owner of Allhealth Public Relations, I'm glad you found us. I want to assure potential PR pros that the field of healthcare PR is exciting and dynamic. Just as healthcare is one of the few sectors showing job increases, people who specialize in healthcare PR will always find employment opportunities.

Brian Ruberry

AmyCrosby said...

Great summary Kristin! I think the health care field is often over shadowed when compared to other PR clientele. I like how you have added different angles to the summary. I also agree that the health care field is very exciting and also a great place for PR pros to get involved with. I have recently seen many PR agencies with health care ties and also those who are wanting to get into the health field.

Good job:)