Saturday, April 4, 2009

Twitter and ESPN

By Dara Hollingsworth

We can all agree that Twitter now plays a role in public relations as is evident from the recent guest speaker in our class, Barbara Gibson, a Twitter expert. I guess I have been slightly slow to accept the whole Twitter thing, I have an account but it was updated once, nine months ago when I created an account for Public Relations Writing. But I became convinced Twitter was here to stay while watching the OU Women’s Basketball team’s recent run to the Final Four on ESPN. The commentators and analysts mentioned Twitter numerous times because ESPN has a Twitter account. The account is used primarily for feeding followers story headlines from ESPN. Additionally, Rebecca Lobo, a women’s basketball commentator, urged viewers to follow her on Twitter to get an insider’s look into the tournament.

As of now ESPN has over 63,000 followers while it is following over 69,000. So what is ESPN’s purpose of all that twittering? Maybe it has something to do with an attempt to humanize the brand. It can allow ESPN to make a personal connection with its many admirers. It can be used to measure the perception of the network. The list of the positives goes on and on.

So will other networks follow ESPN? It appears they already have. All the major networks have some sort of Twitter account and CNN Breaking News has over 792,000 followers. Which just further proves that, like it or not, Twitter is here to stay.


Anonymous said...
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Simone said...

It'll be interesting to see what impact twitter has on other media such as the newspaper. As information condenses into even shorter blurbs or "tweets," will lengthy articles that are not instantaneous remain relevant?

Drew K said...

I think there is much more to this than just accepting Twitter. I believe a lot of what PR is about has to do with being able to adapt to the culture as it progresses especially when it comes to technology. As more and more companies realize this, they have begun creating Twitter accounts, Facebook and Myspace pages and pretty much anything that is popular with their target audience. It is also just flat out a smart way to better connect to their audiences. This world is getting faster and faster especially when it comes to getting their news and information. It is important that the PR world stays up with the pace as well.

Barbara Gibson said...

Hey Dara, thanks for the mention. I'm really passionate about getting PR professionals to start using Twitter and other social media. It's so important that we understand these new tools of communication, and the fundamental way they are changing professional communication. To not do so puts us at risk, and fails to serve our companies and clients. Keep spreading the word!

On Twitter: @barb_g