Wednesday, October 28, 2009

AT&T and Public Relations

AT&T and Public Relations by Katie Whittern

“Have a passion to work and be the best you can be."

Patsy Weiser lives by this quote day in and day out. Weiser is the Area Marketing and Public Relations Manager for AT&T Yellow Pages. She works with all of the AT&T offices in the Oklahoma and Kansas areas. Weiser has been with the company for more than 14 years. Before becoming an Area Marketing and PR Manager, Weiser was an executive secretary for AT&T and also spent some time being a Rental Car Sales Agent.

Weiser received her Bachelors in Human Resource Management. She later went on to receive her Masters in Management Information Systems.

Weiser believes anyone entering the PR industry should first have an understanding of his or her employer and the community in which he or she will work. Understanding your company’s mission and the publics it serves are very important she said.

She believes attending local events that help with networking for your company is necessary as well as involvement in the local Chamber of Commerce. One must possess the ability to communicate effectively, especially with other businesses within his or her community she said.

Weiser believes that being able to take constructive criticism and advice from people is also important. “More heads are always better than one,” said Weiser.

Graduates entering the industry need to be comfortable and believe in teamwork.

“Teamwork is a big part of most jobs,” she said.

When asked what advice she would give to recent and future college grads; Weiser had plenty advice to share. She said to always have a positive attitude and stay away from negative people.

“Have the mindset that you will do whatever it takes to get the job done,” said Weiser.

She believes you should always stay true to who you are and represent yourself in a professional manner at all times. “When you are out in public or off the job, remember who you work for. You will be setting an example for your company as well as for yourself,” said Weiser.

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