Monday, October 26, 2009

Be Willing to Do it All

“Be Willing to Do it All.”

By: Jeff Siddons

After experiencing what the professional PR world expects of people, Kinsey Crocker put her nose to the grindstone and didn’t look back. Her hard work paid off and quickly skyrocketed Kinsey to the forefront of the public relations industry in Oklahoma City.

Crocker started her career in PR at the University of Central Oklahoma where she graduated with a major in corporate communication and a minor in journalism. While attending UCO, Kinsey interned at Anglin Public Relations in OKC.

“Be willing to do it all,” Crocker said. “When you are interning, make sure to go above and beyond.”

Upon graduating, she received a job offer from Anglin for the position of account coordinator. After working as an account coordinator for a year, Kinsey found herself in the new position of account executive at Anglin. She soon saw herself involved with such heavy hitting clients as the Oklahoma Secretary of Energy, Oklahoma Bioenergy Center and the Homeless Alliance.

At this point in time, Kinsey has been working in the PR world for 5 years, serves on the board of directors for the OKC YWCA, and works with OKC PRSA.

Kinsey could not stress the importance of internships and quality writing enough. She firmly believes that one must have concrete knowledge of AP and news writing before setting foot in the PR arena. By working hard during an internship, Crocker firmly believes one can cultivate a future position with an organization.

If a person can't devote the time to an internship, they can do volunteer work instead,” Kinsey said. “There are a lot of nonprofits that need help with PR!”

Picture provided by Kinsey Crocker (

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