Wednesday, October 28, 2009

An Interview with Dad

An Interview with Dad

By Aaron Vossen

For this entry, I didn’t have to do much searching or work so here goes nothing. When I think about a PR Professional I think about my father Kevin. My dad has been working at ATT for the last 28 years. My father didn’t start right out of college as a Public Relations practitioner but eventually with hard work, and encouragement from friends and family my dad became the Director of External Affairs.
My dad graduated for Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas. So as many of you know this is where my Kansas love started. While at school my father studied Journalism, worked for the paper, and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. After college he came straight to work at the phone company and has worked there ever since.
When I began talking to my dad it was a little strange because talking serious with him is hard, just like me, we both love to joke, laugh, and give each other a hard time, but boy do I love him. Growing up I have always been like him and have known I would one day hopefully follow in his footsteps. So like I have asked him many times what do you need to be a good PR practitioner and he replied well I know you need to be a good writer, analytical, creative and an outgoing personality.
The last think I asked him is what advice would you give to future practitioner and he said wherever you may find yourself working be sure to understand the issue of the client for a successful and strategic campaign.

Picture By Aaron Vossen

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