Tuesday, March 30, 2010

“Don’t get discouraged, it takes time”

“Don’t get discouraged, it takes time”
March 30, 2010
By: Courtney Knutson

Not every college student gets the unique opportunity of observing and experiencing their future career field first hand. I not only got that experience, but I also got it from a professional I would be lucky to work for someday, Jill Harrison.

Jill Harrison is the Manager of Public Relations and Image development at the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber. She is responsible for the creation and implementation of strategic public relations programs, working primarily on both local and national media relations.

When I first walked into Jill’s office in August of 2009, she told me, “My resume looked just like yours when I was a senior in college”. I could only hope to accomplish what she has in her career someday.

Jill graduated from Arizona State University in 2004 with a Bachelor’s in Journalism and Mass Communications, with an emphasis in public relations and strategic media, as well as a minor in Spanish. Her first job out of college was at a PR agency, where she describes it to be “one of best career moves I made”. She learned quickly what she did and did not like about PR and the different industries by working with a variety of clients. Next, Jill went in-house as a Public Relations Specialist at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona in Phoenix. There she was responsible for internal communications for the 1,500 person company with four campuses. Prior to coming to work for the Chamber, Jill was a Senior Public Relations Specialist at Travelocity in Southlake, Texas.

What is Jill’s best advice? “Don’t think you have to do it all at once. You don’t need to start at your dream job, with an amazing salary, writing perfect PR plans and landing front page stories in the Wall Street Journal. It takes time to build your career and you don’t start at the top.”Jill also strongly advises leadership within your community. “Join PRSA, IABC or the board of a local charity,” says Jill. “It is important that you make business connections even when you aren’t job hunting.”Jill is also a member of PRSA, News Bureau and on the board of IABC.

As a mentor and role model, Jill has taught me, and many other interns that have been at the
Greater Oklahoma City Chamber, never to get discouraged with your career. “And finally,” Jill concludes, “it may seem obvious, but it’s amazing how many people forget these things: be on time, have a good attitude, offer help even when you aren’t asked, and find value even in the most menial of tasks!”

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