Sunday, March 28, 2010

Writing and research are important skills needed in Strategic Communication

After graduating, many Public Relations majors are opportune to work in various industries practicing PR. Such industries include hospitals, agencies, government and schools. One of such individuals who chose to stay in a school to practice PR is Amanda Toohey.

After graduating from OU in 2007 with a B.A. in Journalism-Public Relations, she obtained a job at OU working as a PR specialist for various departments one of which was University of Oklahoma’s Housing and Food Services. She currently works at the Physical Plant department on the OU campus. While working, she is also currently pursuing her masters in Public Administration. As the PR professional at the Physical Plant, Amanda currently focuses on internal communication, customer relations, brand management, assessment and sustainability marketing.

Amanda shared that to be successful in the world of strategic communication, a young professional must be proficient in both writing and research. A positive attitude, storing work ethic and also creative thinking are crucial characteristics for every young professional.

While working with Amanda, I have learned many things about design and how to use software’s like Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator. Every design should have its own story and look. A lost and found ad for instance should not be too fancy or extravagant. It should be straight to the point and catch the viewers eye. It wasn’t until working with Amanda that I gained all these skills in design. Amanda also believes that design skills are a plus for hiring PR professionals.

“Design skills give applicants an edge, but writing and research are the most important,” Said Amanda.

Amanda advised that doing your homework prior to interviewing with a company is a good way to stand out. She said that researching the company's work, mission and goals is something that will help an individual before interviewing with the company. Also, writing a thank you note after an interview shows appreciation and enthusiasm for your work.

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