Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Never Give Up

Trying to balance being a new mom and having a new career can be difficult for any woman but Tiffany Aguilar handles both with confidence and grace. Tiffany is the Coordinator for the Planning and Marketing Department at St. Anthony Hospital in Oklahoma City. On any given day she handles internal and external communications for the hospital and contacts media about anything and everything the hospital is trying to promote. She writes for St. Anthony's newsletter and plans many of the hospitals fundraising events, such as Celebrity Chef.
Tiffany began her schooling at Rose State College as a child psychology major. After realizing her love for writing she transferred from Rose State to the University of Oklahoma where she majored in journalism.
After graduating from college she went on to work for the news station KFOR in Oklahoma City as an intern and worked her way up to become a producer at the station. She says she learned most of what journalism truly was through her colleagues at the station. She claims that her past experience as a journalist has helped her become a better PR professional because she understands what stories will make it into the market and what the media is looking for out of a story.
Although she is an extremely busy woman at work, she has even more going on in her personal life. She has been married to a wonderful man for 10 years who, at the beginning of their marriage, had to undergo a kidney transplant. Her husband has undergone 10 major surgeries and has really struggled for the past 6 months to save his kidney from rejection. Tiffany thought they might lose him over Christmas but she said with faith and prayer he pulled through it. She was with him every step of the way and never gave up on him. Throughout the past 6 months she has also been caring for their son while he has been in the hospital. Tiffany juggled being a mom, wife and having a career while never giving up on her dreams.
Sometimes it might be hard to balance everything going on in ones life Tiffany can give us all hope that it can be done. She claims that your first job may not be one you love but use that experience for the future. Her final words of wisdom were to never give up because there is something out there for you just work hard and enjoy life.

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