Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Supporting the Community through Public Relations

When public relations professionals can still thought of as “spin doctors,” “cherry pickers” and “sensationalists,” Lerii Smith, president and co-founder of Project Partners Inc., serves a beacon, championing community causes through marketing, fundraising, event management, program development and volunteer engagement.

Smith, a Texas Tech graduate, co-founded Project Partners, Inc. 16 years ago because she saw the need for a business that would work to advance community causes. As a former employee of the American Heart Association, the Texas Cooperative Extension Program and the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce, Smith brought ten years of experience with nonprofit organizations, event management and public relations to the new company. Project Partners Inc. now has over 50 clients, seven employees and has been named the Fort Worth Chamber’s Small Business of the Year.

Smith said that the most valuable skills for working with businesses and nonprofit organizations are writing and attention to detail, however she also said that you must have a love for what you do.

“The best part of our job is the people we get to work with–nonprofit executives and community leaders…these folks are focused on promoting good.”

When asked what project she was most proud of, Smith replied, “Well, we are pretty darn proud of everything.”

She said, however, that she was particularly proud of her work with the North Texas Clean Air Coalition, a client for over ten years.

“We helped them move from an initiative to a 501 (c) (3), which is a really big shift,” Smith said.

Throughout her years as a professional, Smith has seen a lot of resumes and admits that it is the attention to detail that “sets the really good professionals apart from the not so good.”

She also said that social media is doing the next generations of college graduates a disservice as many people have forgotten, or never learned, how to communicate professionally. She remarked on the importance of a “personal touch,” in professional communication in the form of a phone call or in-office follow-up visit.

Smith acknowledges that the job marked is tough and encourages students to not expect to get their dream job right out of college.

“You must be willing to accept a job within the industry you are most interested in and then work your way up,” Smith said. “Take whatever job and show your worth, then move into the roles you really want to play.”

Smith has definitely proved her own worth as the president of a successful small business owner, who spends her office hours helping others through a job she loves.

Image: Lerii Smith (center) recieving recognition after bring nominated for the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce Small Business of the Year Award for 2010. Source: http://www.yourprojectpartners.com/

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