Saturday, April 3, 2010

Social media: You can never say enough

Social Media: You can never say enough

By: Natalie Vaughn
As one of the fastest evolving professions, new trends are popping up in the field of public relations everyday. Some of these include viral marketing techniques and mobility among many others.
But one obvious trend that is becoming a big part of every business professional's life is social media. We see social media in the news everyday, whether someone is making news using the toll or if the tool itself is the center of a story. In fact, many trends that are grabbing attentions can be narrowed down to social media.
According to an article in The Business Times of Singapore, social media has almost too many applications to count. One of these is its role in the decline of traditional mass media. With traditional media, public relations professionals are forced to send their messages through gatekeepers that choose whether or not to publish the material, or that may even change the message beyond recognition. Because social media gives everyone the opportunity to be published, public relations professionals have the opportunity to reach their target audiences without having to go through gatekeepers.
However, in the same article, Dr. Vijay Sethi brings up the point that while businesses have the ability to communicate directly to constituents, honesty and disclosure are vital to maintaining a working relationship with your publics. "In social media, there are millions of eyeballs . . ." Sethi furthers.
What does that mean for this trend in public relations? Keep your message simple, focused, and honest. Not much is worse than waking up the next day to find that your company has made social media news, but for negative reasons.

To read the article that is mentioned above, please visit:

For more information on how social media can work for you, please visit:

Three Marketing Models for Social Media

For more general information about social media, please visit the three following links:

Social Media Strategy (a slide show)

Three Things You Need to Know About Social Media Strategy

How Small Businesses Are Using Social Media for Real Results

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