Monday, November 2, 2009

The Job of my Dreams

The Jobs of my Dreams
By Kelley

For the past two summers I have had the most incredible experiences interning for companies I have admired for many years. Two summers ago I interned at an NBC station in Tulsa called KJRH. I worked in the promotional/creative services department and loved every second of it. Since it was the summer of the 2008 Olympic Games and NBC airs the Games, I was in charge of creating an Olympic media kit to send around to the other media outlets. I also had the duty of writing almost every
press release that summer. It was a fantastic first internship and I learned a great deal about media public relations.

This past summer, I had one of the most incredible experiences of my life. I got an internship at Warner Brothers Studios in Los Angeles. I worked in film development in the production side of film. It wasn't necessarily a public relations internship, but I learned a lot about a
career I would love to pursue. Everyday I read scripts, helped on movie sets, and got to roam the Warner Brother's lot (my personal favorite activity). Not only was it a blast, but I got such great experience being on my own, maneuvering an unfamiliar city, and most importantly, gained fantastic networking skills.

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to work in some form of media. I have always loved all aspects of film, television and entertainment in general. I knew that I had to do something that encompasses my passion. I'm so happy that I have gotten to experience these great internships. Internships are key to finding the job of your dreams and gaining real-life experience.

Helpful information that I have found to be useful:

Find what you love: I have always been known as a big dreamer; when I get an idea, I run with it. When I discovered my love for film, television and entertainment, I knew I had to make a career out of it. I used every resource and skill I had to land dream internships. If it weren't for my perseverance and my so-called "big dreams," I would have never gotten these incredible opportunities.

Never give up: In the particular field of work I have chosen to try an go into, I need to learn how to handle rejection and keep dreaming. One of the many things I have learned through working in media, is that it is extremely cut-throat and a tough profession to break into. At the same time, however, we must all learn to not take things too personally. If anything, learn from the rejections, mistakes, etc. and try even harder. Never be afraid to keep dreaming.

Network, network, network: Networking is essential in all aspects of finding a career. I've had three internships while in college and two of those internships have been results of contacts I have made. I toured the KRJH station in my earlier college days and asked for a business card. I immediately went home and sent an E-mail to the promotions director; in return, I landed the internship. My Warner Bros. internship was made possible through a contact I made while interning at KJRH. Do whatever you have to do to make your dreams come true. If you know someone that could be helpful, never be afraid to ask for their help.

Photo is from my personal files.

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