Thursday, November 5, 2009


By: Sarah Jacober

Music has always been my passion. Whether it has been playing it, singing it, or listening to it, I am involved with music in some way, shape, or form every single day. I have playing the piano since I was 6 years old, songwriting since I was 12, and I bought a guitar that I have been learning to play on one of my numerous trips to Nashville. Even though I love music, I do not want to pursue a music career, but a career in music.

I have grown up with country music my whole life. Over the past 4 years, I have made a lot of friends in the country music industry by going to concerts all across Texas, Oklahoma, and some when I visit Tennessee. I did not know what I specifically wanted to use my Public Relations degree in, but it just dawned on me that I wanted to work in the country music industry in Nashville, Tennessee as soon as I graduated.

This past summer, I had an internship in Oklahoma City with Box Talent Agency. The firm does a lot of event planning, but has a huge department when there do a lot of booking for music. The Box Talent Out and About program started this summer, where a few of the interns would go out to concerts on the weekend to promote bands. I absolutely loved doing it. My favorite experience of the summer was when I got to work with country music sensation Gloriana, who is on tour with Taylor Swift.

I am lucky to have an idea of what I want to do, I know that getting a job may not be easy, but I am open to doing internships and any other kind of jobs until I obtain the job of my dreams. At the end of the summer, I went out to Nashville and spent a lot of time with my friend Josh Roberts who is from Norman and just joined a band, 10 Mile Town out in Nashville. I made some connections while out there and brought my resume everywhere I went, because you never know who you might run into out there in Nasvhille. It would be my dream to work for CMT in Nashville.

My advice:

Make connections: It really is about who you know. Make contacts with people and make yourself memorable. I have made so many amazing personal contacts and a lot of my musician friends are currently trying to help me find a job in Nashville when I graduate.

Internships: Do as many internships as you can. You get experience and you find out what you want to do.

Do what you love: I was once told, “Choose a job that you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” It is so true. If you find a job that you love, you will enjoy doing it.

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