Saturday, November 7, 2009

My P.L.A.N.

My P.L.A.N.

By Kacie James

The past four and a half years of college has been a life changing experience. Not only have I met great friends, had a lot of fun, but I learned something too! I have learned that having a P.LA.N. is not always as structured as one may think.

P- PAST: In 2005, I came to college knowing my future. I was going to go to school for four years, graduate with a degree in special education, get a job at a high school in Edmond, Oklahoma, get married and live happily ever after.

L- LOST: This past plan did not stick. I found college to be way more difficult than expected, which meant I couldn’t take as many hours per semester. This is in, made me realize I would not be able to finish a special education degree in four years. Then I began questioning my decision to become a Special Education teacher because I was scared of the thought that I would attend college for over four years, to only have one option of a future profession. As I continued to battle my decision to change majors, I started to believe college wasn’t the place for me. I was officially lost.

A- ASSESS: At this point, I knew I had to make a decision. I began to assess my options. After coming to realization that having a degree is a necessity, I chose to change my major to public relations. I knew I could always volunteer with special needs children and although I didn’t even know what public relations consisted of at the time, it seemed to be the most logical major for me because of three reasons.

1. All of my credits from special education would transfer as electives, so I wouldn’t be behind or waste money on unnecessary classes.

2. My counselor explained public relations was a broad major that would provide many options for a future profession.

3. Public relations did not require more than the basic math and science courses, which was a major factor.

N- NOW: Well now in 2009, I’m not totally found, but I have a new plan. This plan coincides with the lessons we learned through the book Who Moved My Cheese. I now plan to accept changes, go with the flow and know that everything works out for a specific purpose. Even though I have enjoyed my experience in my public relations classes, I have accepted a job to work for a toy showroom as a sales representative. I know the skills I have learned through public relations will enable me to succeed in a sales career. I also know, if this job isn’t for me, I will move my cheese!

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