Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mapping Out My Future

Mapping Out My Future
By: Jennifer Bell

I started my education here at the University of Oklahoma in August 2006. At first I was a business major because I had no idea what I wanted to do, and I figured a business degree would be the most beneficial route for me to take. As I began my first semester of classes, I realized I was just going through the motions, and I didn't really enjoy any of the classes I was taking. After my sudden realization of disinterest in business, I sat down to think about what I really enjoy doing and writing came in to my mind. Writing has always been a passion of mine and after talking to my advisor she suggested I try out public relations.

I decided to switch to a public relations major although I didn't really have any idea what public relations meant. I have enjoyed all of the public relations classes I have had to take, but it wasn't until this past summer that I got to actually get hands on experience with public relations. I was one of the public relations/marketing interns for the United Way of Central Oklahoma Chapter. I got to utilize my writing and design skills I had learned in class and actually get my writing and designs published. While I enjoyed the public relations aspect of the internship, it was the event planning aspect of the job that I enjoyed the most. I got to help the marketing coordinator plan and execute three different events last summer. I realized that I enjoy being out in the community and having more of a involved role in my work.

Through my internship with the United Way, I came to love things such as event planning, interviewing and networking. I am now the marketing coordinator for Genesis Plastic Surgery in Edmond, and it is exactly the kind of job I would like to have after I graduate. I get to visit doctors offices to get doctor referrals, boutiques, tanning salons, fitness centers, church groups, sorority and fraternity groups and several other groups. My goal is to directly market to these targets about the services and discounts that are offered with Genesis Plastic Surgery. I enjoy this job a lot because I am constantly going during a days work and I get to interact face to face every time I work. It has given me a chance to establish several new relationships and really network.

I have had internship experience with a non-profit organization and am now the marketing coordinator for a plastic surgeon. I am so thankful for having experience in two different fields because I have decided that I would like to do marketing/event planning in the future rather than public relations.

To find a job that you love:

Don't settle: During college students will often have several internships before they find one they thoroughly enjoy what they are doing. While I did enjoy my internship with the United Way, I knew it not something I would want to do for my future career, so I had to keep looking for something that really kept my interest. I was lucky and found a job I love just through my second job, but don't settle for something you are okay with doing, but instead keep searching for something that you really enjoy and desire to do.

Get internship experience: As easy as it would be just to have your first pick at a job you enjoy doing, it usually takes some experience to get the opportunity to be considered for another job. Internship experience is crucial because it provides experience that employers are looking for, and it provides networking opportunities that may provide you with connections with prospective employers.

Network: As I mentioned before, networking is extremely important not only to build communication skills but to establish relationships with future employers. If employers see that you are working hard at your current internship and have solid communication skills, they are more likely to consider you for a job in the future. I had several networking opportunities at the United Way through lunches and events, so I was able to network with my current employer during the time I was an intern for the United Way.

Picture from personal files

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