Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Diversity Struggles Bring Success to Coca-Cola

Diversity struggles bring success to Coca-Cola
by: Chelsea Moore

There are few organizations that have developed such a culturally diverse organization as The Coca Cola Company. I, a religious coke drinker, should be thankful for their innovative diversity programs.

Coca Cola has been especially successful in their internal diversity programs. All associates are required to complete diversity training. This training program embraces differences in diversity for the betterment of the company. They focus on the three pillars of diversity education. The goals of this program mimic the information we found through our diversity theory research.

Before this successful diversity plan that The Coca Cola Company uses, the organization had some difficulties especially in the late 1990s. There were lawsuits with complaints from African American workers. In 2000, probably in reaction to the lawsuits, they announced a diversity campaign that put more funding toward minority and female-owned businesses.

They continue to have difficulties, as most organizations do. No one is perfect. Only so much proactive thinking can prepare you for every bump in the road. I think The Coca Cola Company recognizes that it is vital for them to keep adjusting to the challenges, especially when it comes to diversity. They seem like they are doing a good job of it. Thank goodness... how else would I feed my diet Coke addiction?

In 2008, they were named second out of the top 50 companies for diversity. As stated in the report, How Coca-Cola Built Strength on Diversity, the lawsuits that show the mistakes are "painful reminders" of the importance of the focus of diversity. They changed in the face of diversity lawsuits and implemented a system that has brought them great recognition.

It can be seen as an unfortunate -but great- thing that happened to their company. They got a kick in the pants to implement better diversity tactics so that everyone is represented with equal opportunity. As a result, the company is even more successful.

What doesn't kill them, makes them stronger.

Image Source: Flikr.com

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