Lane Bryant is the most recognized stores for women of plus sizes. Lane Bryant stores are normally in malls, but have recently started growing in strip malls around the country. They are moderately priced clothing and exclusively carry sizes 14 to 28 and target women aged 25 to 45.
What makes Lane Bryant a leader in diversity is that they promote a completely different body image for women than any other clothing company. This began before the DOVE Campaign for Real Beauty was even an idea. In 1995, Lane Bryant began to change their company and gear it towards plus-size women. They are recognized for improving the way women feel about their bodies, rather than comparing their appearances to abnormally skinny girls and women.
In 2000, Lane Bryant launched a lingerie line and held the first lingerie runway show for plus-size women. The runway show was a hit and widely covered in the media. In 2004, Lane Bryant joined up with Ford 12+, a plus-size department in the Ford modeling agency. They launched a nation-wide search for the next plus-size supermodel.

Lane Bryant not only builds up women everywhere who are plus-size, but advertises their clothes as being fashion instead of focusing on the sizes they carry. Lane Bryant is a company doing what they can to help women love the body they have.
"Lane Bryant customers shop for style, not just for size."
This was a great company to profile. Lane Bryant has been in the lead of creating fashion for plus-sized models. Good job!
Lane Bryant is really best source for buying right stuff for plus size women!! I personally like to shop at here!!
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