Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Christine Frank: The Face of Noble, Oklahoma

Christine Frank: The Face of Noble, Oklahoma
By: Molly Luton

Christine Frank decided to enter the public relations field because she genuinely thought it "would be fun." She admitted, like so many students today, that she originally wanted to get involved in PR for the more exciting glamorized aspects like event planning. She said it didn't take her long to realize that PR entailed far more than planning fun events.
She began working for the Noble Chamber of Commerce five years ago and says she has truly "learned the ropes" through the process. Her official title is the Noble Chamber of Commerce Executive Director. This entails not only managing the PR side of her office, such as their Facebook page, press releases, etc. but also the necessary management functions. Working for the Noble Chamber of Commerce is her first official PR profession, but she notes that there were many times at her previous places of employment (which she preferred that I did not disclose) where she helped develop PR tactics. She attended the University of Oklahoma before transferring to the University of Tulsa where she graduated with a B.A. in Journalism. She expressed how excited she was to finally be putting into practice what she learned in college many years ago. "I didn't particularly plan on it taking almost twenty years before I landed my first PR job, but opportunities for PR positions are few and far between, she said. "When I heard about this opportunity I immediately applied and the rest is history," she noted.
When it comes to professional advice she made many valuable recommendations. She recommended that before you ever send any document, communication, e-mail etc. that you proofread it personally three times, and if possible let as many other eyes as you can look over it before you officially send it. She also said to always dress professionally. "You never know who might drop in your office, or where your day may lead you," she said. "Therefore wherever you go look your best because if an opportunity presents itself, you must be prepared to take full advantage of it. Part of that equation is looking your best to ensure that your interests and the interests of your organization are taken seriously," she said. When asked about what advice she could offer to future PR professionals she said to never give up. She emphasized that finding a job in PR is no easy task, but if it is what you want to do it is by all means worth the wait.

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