Sunday, November 7, 2010

James Thach

Photo taken by

James Thach, Corporate Communications at Express Employment Professionals
By: Katie Graham

From 2006 to 2009, after graduating from Gaylord with an advertising degree, James Thach decided to take his internship to another level and actually work for it as Corporate Communications with Express Employment Professionals. Express Employment Professionals is a company that’s main goal is to show people how to find jobs. It has been around for over 25 years, helping people find the human resources and job skills to seek a career and a future. Thach worked at the international headquarters where he wrote blogs, columns, and press releases for internal and external audiences. His press releases consisted of writing to people about the latest employment and new office spaces that were available at the time. He would fill in the blank, with people, the insight as to how to go about seeking a job as well. Most of his blogs were fun facts to audiences about “How to be Interviewed,” or “How to Interview,” or “Top 10 ways to find the correct skills needed for your job.” Thach said that most of his time dealt with press releases that showed publicity to new job employment.

Thach also wrote pamphlets for the franchisees listing potential employment in the local areas. The pamphlets also showed where temporary workers were and became the “umbrella” to showing the progress of the company. Overall, quality writing was his main skill because he had to show a sense of reputation to the company, while publicizing to the audience the skills, material and training suited for the type of job that person was looking for. His knowledge consisted of knowing the franchisees and his company he was writing for. If he didn't know the rural area, he wouldn't know the jobs, therefore would have nothing to write about.

One of his responsibilities was to interview 2 franchisees about temporary works and economic trends. Thach would ask the franchisees about the trends that are possibly coming up, while predicting the work area that might have openings in the future. He would then send it to the publisher, where the pamphlet would then be published and sent out to the public to those wanting to find the fastest way to look for their job. This was best known as the Rosenberg Surveys.

His longest responsibility was actually building the main website for Express Employment Professionals. He designed it entirely by himself.

“It was pretty fun, don’t get me wrong, but I had to have my AP book on me at all times,” Thach said.

He is not currently working there anymore because of the amount of writing he had to endure every day. He got the job from interning there but never thought he would have a job right outside of graduating. Thach said that his best opportunities came from interning and to do as many as possible. This is what allows you to learn what you like and do not like out of a career. Thach also mentioned that even though you have graduated, it doesn’t mean you should throw away your AP book. Like mentioned above, he used his AP book every day during his time at Express Employment Professionals. It was a stable job, but not what he was looking for. It was a reality check, showing how much you are required to write in a job like this.

Thach now works for Crooked Tie Studios, where he records and creates wedding videos.

“It has nothing to do with my last job, but I love social media and photography so why not?” Thach said. His photography class got him into this, and his advertising capstone class pulled him further away from doing any kind of advertising.

Overall, James Thach is a writer and writing is his passion because it is the easiest to him. He wouldn’t mind doing more press releases and blogs, but for right now he’s getting his kicks out of going to weddings and making memories.

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