Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kinsey Crocker, Realizing the Potential of Public Relations

Kinsey Crocker, Realizing the Potential of Public Relations
by: Katylee Strange

Photo from: www.anglinpublicrelations.com

Kinsey Crocker is an Account Executive for a public relations agency in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma called Anglin Public Relations Inc. Crocker is one of the few people who happened into the profession of public relations. Like many students Crocker started off in college at the University of Central Oklahoma not knowing exactly what she wanted to do. Crocker said, “I looked into degrees in science, in art and communication. I pretty much looked into everything.” She ended up deciding to get her degree in Corporate Communication because she realized the job potential the degree had. Crocker got an internship with Anglin PR her senior year of college and has been working there ever since. “The internship is the first time I got in depth with public relations and just fell in love with it because it was so diverse,” said Crocker. The diversity of public relations and the agency style work is what grabbed Crocker’s attention because it allowed her to do so many things and be involved with the many things she was interested in. Crocker has been at the agency for six years. She started off as an intern and continually got promoted from an account specialist to account coordinator to account executive. As an account executive, Crocker said she is the primary contact on a lot of different accounts. “I hold meeting with clients and help determine their goals. I also work through the four step process and helping them do research and determine what the should be doing, creating plans, implementing plans and evaluating plans and writing proposals for potential clients,” said Crocker. Anglin PR Inc. works with a variety of clients including University of Oklahoma’s Engineering College, Homeless Alliance, and Oklahoma City Home and Garden Show to name a few. One specialty area the company works are with companies that have big ideas and want to solve problems for the community and for the state.

Not only is Crocker a productive member of Anglin PR Inc she is also an active member of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). “I’ve been going to meetings since my internship, so for six years. Currently I am a board member at large and in January I will be the Secretary.” Crocker says some of the benefits of being involved in PRSA is that it helps public relations professionals meet a lot of different people and helps with networking. Being involved can also build a name for yourself and can even help get clients. And finally it can help keep up with industry trends. Being a public relations professional, Crocker says the ability to write and write well is essential. Also key skills are experience, because it is proof that the students know what they are doing and having basic knowledge of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Some advice Crocker would give to future PR professionals is to, “get internships and as much experience as you can while in school.”

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