Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kirstin Farris, Marketing Director of Excel Physical Therapy

Photo from collegesforphysicaltherapy.com

Kirstin Farris, Marketing Director of Excel Physical Therapy

By Kylie Schneider

Kirstin Farris is the Marketing Director for Excel Physical Therapy in Tulsa, Oklahoma and surrounding areas. Excel Physical Therapy specializes in outpatient care. Therapists focus on pre and post operative areas such as spine, knee, shoulder, elbow, hand, foot, and ankle. As they state on their website, “Excel Therapists are trained and licensed to provide programs such as functional capacity evaluations and work conditioning for worker's compensation injuries.” (Information from Exceltherapyok.com)

Kirstin has been in the marketing and sales industry for about 15 years and has definitely found her niche. In college, Kirstin received a bachelor’s degree in psychology and sociology and minored in gerontology. Her initial plans were to work in some sort of elderly social work but she changed her mind as she discovered new interests. She served as a Pharmaceutical Representative for eight years and prior to that worked briefly in radio and TV sales.

It is Kirstin’s job, as Marketing Director, to market Excel to physicians and workers compensation nurses and adjusters. She must target these audience members with the right information that will be relevant to their business and encourage them to refer patients to Excel as is typical in areas that use public relations. Excel participates in special events such as golf tournaments and conferences such as the Oklahoma Public Safety Conference to create better awareness of the organization and reach their target publics.

Kirstin believes not being afraid to ask the right questions is the most important part of a successful marketing or public relations career. “If you cannot ask the right questions,” said Kirstin. “You don’t know how to go about fixing a client’s potential problems.” As far as advice for those wanting to go into the field of marketing or public relations, Kirstin thinks it is most important to put yourself in front of people. As Kirstin says, “I interviewed as many people as I could who worked in the field to see if it was something I would even be interested in doing and I found out that it was.”

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