Monday, April 28, 2008

Life After OU

Life After OU

by Linden Chalfant

When I started at The University of Oklahoma in August 2004, I really didn’t know what I wanted to do. Business always seemed like a great major, but little did I know, there were so many other options out there. I stumbled upon public relations because one of my friends decided on that and she explained to me what broad career possibilities this major allowed. I started thinking about it and every company needs a wonderful image to back their product. Whether I wanted to work for a PR firm, or simply do public relations for a certain company, it looked like there would be tons of possibilities after graduation.
Leaving OU, I am so glad that I chose this major because through it I have met dedicated professors, made wonderful friends, and gained hands-on experience through internships. Public relations is interesting because its fundamentals are applicable to every aspect of life.
Now that graduation is rapidly approaching, I have narrowed down this vast array of possibilities that I once imagined. Upon graduation, I will be doing risk analysis for an insurance company in Dallas, Texas. This opportunity allows me to use analytical skills, writing skills, and it provides a foundation where my career will be built and maintained upon relationship management with clients. Although I am not going into public relations specifically, I feel like my education through the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication has prepared me immensely for the real world!

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