Friday, May 2, 2008

Today's PR

Today’s PR
By Tabitha Brown
May 1, 2008

Public Relations has slowly evolved over the past century to become something that encompasses all things related to a person, product or brand and its audiences. Thomas Jefferson said the term “public relations” in a speech in 1807. This, however, was not the same public relations we see today, he did not even intend for it to be. What he was speaking of was something completely different. There are many organizations and web sites dedicated to public relations and its purposes.
Public Relations Society of America, or PRSA, is one of those organizations. There is even a student spin off of this organization called PRSSA. These groups keep people who are in the public relations field connected and up to date on public relations issues.
There are also several other online resources for the field of PR. One website, named Public Relations Specialists gives a synopsis of what the field is and what a specialist in this field would be doing.
There is the PR Newswire which has several news articles regarding public relations and its practices. Another resource for many PR articles and current issues in the field is PR Week Magazine. This is not just an online resource but also has a printed version.
One resource, Online PR, gives information not just about PR, but specifically PR that is online and it is dedicated to the profession and gives advice toward how to be better in the online capacities of public relations. Public relations is a field that is constantly changing and these resources help individuals keep up with that change.

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